Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mia's Nemesis is BACK!!

A couple of years back, Black Cat moved into the garage and caused chaos at Chez Chores! All hours of the day and night Mia growled, barked, scratched at the door to the garage, trying to rid our lives of the evil invader. After the garage was cleaned, we were rid of Black Cat and the mess she left behind, but she's back, and this time she's brought a litter with her.

The dogs have been barking endlessly, threatening to break through the living room windows, as Black Cat has invaded our front yard. She's been hiding the litter under the lush desert shrubbery that is thriving in our unusually temperate summer season. We've watched the vegetation moving, but the kittens were too small until this week for us to see.

Black Cat has not just brought the kittens out into the yard, but, as you can see, she's installed them on a bench in plain view of both Mia and Daisy. Daisy, a loyal sister, has taken on Mia's hatred of Black Cat, barking, growling, and pacing the windowsill, just waiting for her chance to break through the glass and rid the yard of Black Cat and all the kittens. Black Cat lazes on the bench, cleaning her kittens, feeding her litter, and teaching them how to torment the dogs.

I did call Animal Control. They will bring me a cage so I can trap the cats and will come back and pick it up and take the cats to the shelter after I trap them. I asked, silly me, why I have to do this process, but I should have known that it's my problem -- and my solution. The city doesn't have personnel who can trap the cats: you know, budget cuts.

Perhaps the part of this reveal that irritates me the most is that this may not be the original Black Cat, as she's had numerous litters over the past several years. This litter seems to have 4 kittens, 3 of whom are black, so Mia can be tormented by black cats for many seasons to come.

Great. Just great.

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