Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well, That's Another Way of Looking at It

The suspended high school students are fighting back in the media after realizing that they will not be attending their graduation ceremony this week because they are suspended for playing the "Beat the Jew" game. Their point is that it's just a game and people are putting too much into the name of the game. They believe that if they called it something else, no one would be upset.

Yeah: that's the point, kids. It is the name of the game -- and the historical underpinnings of the name of the game. If it were the old "Fox and the Hounds," or "hare and the hounds," or "cats and dogs," or "sharks and fish," you are correct: probably no one would be upset with your playing it. But that's not what you named the game, so suck it up.

You blew this call and, perhaps, you'll learn from this experience what is versus what is not appropriate for future reference, including anything that invokes one's race, color, religion, political views, sexual preference ... well, you get the drift of where this is going.

1 comment:

John said...

I continue to just shake my head in wonderment over this entire episode. Take accountability for your actions students! Parents, take accountability for your lack of oversight and discipline on your children.