Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ah, Come On!

What an exciting finish to the game last night, the Patriots down by a dozen points and not moving the ball. The announcers were making it clear that the Cinderella team was going to leave the field empty-handed when the Patriots began playing football.

It was awe-inspiring to watch the team regain dominance of the game, to score, to pull off a 16th consecutive win, a feat no other football team has accomplished. The celebration on the field, however, was tarnished by the commentators who warned that sure, this is a big milestone, but "it means nothing" if they don't win the play-offs!

Ah, come on: the announcers are all former athletes whose teams did NOT accomplish this feat, so they have to take it away from the first team in NFL history that does?

Grow up and get gracious! Give credit where credit is due and allow both the team and the fans to revel in it for a day before you start hacking away at the glitter and the glory of the accomplishment.

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