Friday, August 14, 2009

Anticipatory Aging

Last weekend, I was in La Jolla for a visit that included a favor for an elderly woman who lives in the same complex as my friend. M's apartment is on the top floor of her building, across the street from the seal cove, and the view is spectacular; however, M always keeps the blinds closed. Because I was assembling and then installing a small TV, I needed to see what I was doing and asked her if I could open the blinds.

Horrified, M said "NO" because the sun will fade her furniture! At age 95, one of her last concerns should be the sun fading her furniture when she could be wallowing in the most glorious view of the ocean from Mexico to Laguna from the window of her apartment. However, I opened the blinds, completed the task, and then reluctantly closed the blinds as directed.

I was sharing this story with a friend yesterday with an addendum that had him howling with laughter. I said that if I live to age 95, I'm going to live my life on the wild side, throwing caution and furniture fading to the wind. As a matter of fact, I continued, I'm going to have wild unprotected monkey sex and smoke a cigarette in the afterglow! Fading furniture be damned.

His addition to the picture: he'd open the blinds, stand stark naked in front of them, and literally let it ALL hang out!

Part of me would love to live to 95 just so I could anticipate this moment in time.

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