Thursday, August 27, 2009

Size is a Consideration

Last night, in the middle of a computer project, my screen began flashing before it turned a totally bilious green. I shut it off, then turned it back on and the screen was no longer green: it was dark.

Knowing that I need to use my computer daily, I needed a new screen -- now -- so I drove to Wal-Mart, which seems to be one of the better electronics stores since all of the electronics-only outlets have closed their doors. Wal-Mart had an ACER computer monitor for $98, which seemed like a heck of a deal to desperate me, so after checking the screen size on the box, 15.6" wide, I bought it.

It is, indeed 15.6" wide, but the actual measurements of the actual screen differ slightly from that proud claim: 13.5" of usable screen wide, but a mere 7.75" high. The good news is that I can see documents from left to right margin without a problem, but the less-good news is that I am constantly scrolling down a page to read it. However, if I could see docs at 75%, I'm sure I could see more of a page at one time and, perhaps, the whole page at 50%.

The bottom line is that I needed a monitor, I bought a monitor, and I'm using my computer. I will adjust to the new configuration and soon believe that the only way to view pages is in wide-angle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Computer monitors are measured corner to corner. Always have been.

If something doesn't fit on a screen, it is unrelated to the screen size. That is a factor of screen resolution.