Wednesday, August 5, 2009


My g-mail account has been asking me to go chrome, so today -- I did. It is faster, a whole lot faster, and I'm playing with it to see what else it does. Anyone provide me with good info, cool things to do, reasons why I switched to chrome?

Or did I simply have a Nike moment?

1 comment:

John said...

Chrome is a lot faster than Internet Explorer but not as fast as Mozilla Firefox. I've used it off and on since they released it a year or so ago. You may find that you have a little difficulty with certain pages loading (especially MSN pages) and you may find some video and pictures don't display or don't display correctly as they haven't got all the bells and whistles in place yet that Firefox and IE have.

However, there are many features of the browser I do like, including its clean look, the simple way to add things to the favorites/bookmarks line, etc.