Monday, February 22, 2010


Gotta love the student who wants to know why I write "HO" on the top of his quiz. Uh, that would be a plus sign and a 10!!

Or the guy who answered the attendance check today with (I heard) "sweet," which brought a smile to my face ... until he clarified that he clearly said, "Si," meaning yes, I am present. I like "sweet" better: it's such a positive response to one's name.

Sneakin' in a bit of doggie doings, Daisy picks up a tennis ball and Mia takes it away from her, mouth to mouth -- or Mia picks up the ball and Daisy snatches it back and runs to the tiled hallway, where she drops it then chases after it. Mia hides behind the couch and Daisy tries to find her. Mia chews the bone, Daisy distracts her by squeeking the toy, Mia races to see what Daisy is up to, Daisy dashes to Mia's palette, picks up the bone, and chews to her heart's content. Mia stands there looking flummoxed. Daisy is Quick!!

LMAO at the request to redesign hotdogs because they pose a choking hazard. Hmmm. Parents, cut them into small pieces (also packaged as a product called "cocktail weiners") or teach your children to CHEW their food, rather than swallowing it whole. Ditto with both the baby carrots and the whole grapes that also made the hazardous to small children list. (Point of information: the baby carrots are so named because the carrots are small, not because they are grown to feed raw to babies.) Come on, people: you REALLY want to redesign the hot dog???

Talk about high class: I invited 2 of my best friends to join me for lunch tomorrow ... da da ... in the school lunchroom! Yippee!

Gloria All Right Already needs to get over herself: she thinks that ALL women who have been treated badly by Tiger -- and all the other women in the world who have had sex with a married man who did not leave his wife -- deserve an apology. I'm thinking an apology would be a whole lot cheaper than a payoff, but I doubt that Ms. All Right Already really believes that's all the women need to restore their dignity. After all, she's expecting to be paid, right, and probably would not accept a sexual encounter with the bad boy as payment in kind. And a porn star's adult entertainment royalties probably don't pay as much as a Nike endorsement. Bodacious ta-ta's v. customized golf club? Blow jobs v. hole in one?

Hey, great new meaning for the Nike slogan "Just Do It!" No wonder they don't want to lose Tiger's endorsement presence. Hee-hee-hee.

1 comment:

DaniGirl17 said...

LMAO!!! Thank you the laugh this evening!!! Much needed and much appreciated.