Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger's Tail

Ya know, folks, Tiger paid hookers for sex. Of course, some of the women took the money and went back to work -- until they could make more money by sharing their experience with the media. Doesn't change the fact that they were paid very, very well to have sex with Tiger: it was, and, perhaps, still is their job. They ALL knew he was married; they ALL accepted the cash; and they ALL can say whatever they want to excuse their part in the scandal, but they ALL own what they did for money, as well as what they are now doing for more money.

What Tiger did to his wife, to his mother, to his extended family and friends to whom he was obviously addressing his televised remarks, is what Tiger has to reconcile. Should his wife forgive, forget, and move back in? No: take the money and move on. Engaging in an extra-marital affair is not fatal to a marriage, but paying for literally dozens of women to have sex, especially while your wife is pregnant, is probably a deal-breaker.

NO ONE in the public and/or the media has the "right" to know what happened, with whom, or how often. That's a conversation Tiger has to have with himself, with his therapist, with his family/friends who matter to him. The rest of the world may ask when he's going to return to golf, but what happened behind closed doors needs to stay there. There is absolutely nothing to gain by exposing the salacious details to the press!!

Two endings thoughts: there, but for the Grace of God, go ... pretty much all of us, so Let he who is without sin be the first to cast the stone.

1 comment:

yucheng said...

The one who most injured is their children