Monday, February 1, 2010


The worker finishing up the guest room remodel had to work on the weekend because the construction boss, who told me twice last week that HE would be by to finish what has been waiting for 6 full weeks and countless other promises to be kept, was funny. First, he hollared for me to come help him because Mia was biting him, which she does not do. I locked her inside the rest of the house, but she stayed on the floor right outside the room the entire time he was here. He also told me (and seemed sincere) that I should "find someone" to be with me because I'm a nice lady and I have a nice house. I paid him because the boss sent a worker to do the job he told me HE was going to do -- and he knew that I would not pay him another dime as I already paid in full for the job before it was finished.

Yeah, I know, so we don't need to have that discussion again.

It's challenging to choose between the two most disgusting commercials on TV: the dust mites partying in my mattress or the yucky mucus guys whooping it up in my chest. These are both commercials that I'd rather never see again.

Let's say that I'm a really famous entertainer who has been nominated to receive honors and awards in my field. The presentations will be made on TV and beamed to every corner of the world. Would I really show up unprepared to accept these awards? Would I really not write an acceptance speech that was well-organized, appropriate, and sincere? Would I really just get up and gush whatever into the microphone?

3-D has been around for many decades, so why are the 3-D glasses still those cheap pieces of paper crap that look like a prize from a box of Cracker Jacks? Even Beyonce couldn't pull off that look!

Why is there a Pro Bowl? Why is it played the weekend before the Super Bowl? Why, if unemployment is soaring and finances plummeting, are there so many fans in the stands?

Did anyone hear the President actually admit publicly that the Republicans are NOT "the party of no"? Obama admitted that Republicans have come to him, have offered both legislation and compromise, have voted in favor of many, many bills -- but if you weren't tuned in to the Republican retreat this past weekend, to which the President was invited, you may not have heard that message during the past year. It's so much more expedient to polarize than it is to compromise.

It's a new month already and time is flying. January is always the longest month of any year, so I'm glad that we're now heading into the shortest month, especially with a 4-day weekend right smack dab in the middle of it. Yeah February!

1 comment:

John said...

Actually, 3-D is totally different now. Seeing Avatar, the glasses are plastic with slightly gray-tinted lenses. The 3-D is beautiful. However, I took off my glasses and got immediate vertigo; the new technology uses some sort of flicker/shake that the glasses are aligned with-- with the glasses, beautiful 3-D, without the glasses, headache inducing nausea.

The only place/time I know of the original red/blue paper glasses still being used is on the occasional TV 3-D event. Or old theaters that don't want to pay for the new technology.