Friday, April 30, 2010

Chase Financial Services Crosses My Line

Apparently, Chase is offering a new financial service to those of us who pay our mortgages a month (or more) ahead. The twist to the new service is that it's a surprise: they don't tell you that they have taken your advanced payment plus and applied it to the principal, rather than as a payment plus, because they figure (ha-ha-ha) that you are too stupid to know how to manage your own financial resources.

Case in point: I am three months ahead in my mortgage payment; thus, when I sent in my March payment, I used the payment coupon for June (because I had already paid April and May). I was recently on-line checking my accounts and realized that I had not received my next mortgage statement from Chase, so I checked to see how to send the payment without a coupon. Imagine my surprise to learn that my entire last payment plus amount was credited to the principal, rather than to the payment coupon I had included in the envelope. Instead of continuing to keep 3 months' ahead of my mortgage payment due date, I am now back to only 1 month ahead and that only because of my call.

Well, I called to talk to a person about the logic behind the Chase decision, and after going through endless menu options that had nothing to do with my issue, I pressed the 0 several times until Victor answered. When I asked why I have not received a payment coupon, he explained to me that I am already "paid up" and do not owe a payment this month (May).

"Really?" I asked him. "How did you arrive at that conclusion?"

Victor schooled me: when I sent in the payment coupon the first of March, it was for June, which was not due, so it was applied directly to my principal. I will receive a payment coupon this month (May) to pay for June, but I currently do not owe anything.

Isn't that amazing?

I am ecstatic that Chase caught this egregious financial error on my part and fixed it for me! Imagine in these tough financial times anyone sending money to a mortgage company for a payment due a month or two or three down the road!! It must be a mistake! I could be spending that money on shopping, on credit card bills, on summer vacations, but I (idiot that I am) decided instead to send it to Chase to apply to my mortgage.

The only action on Chase's part that could possibly have made me angrier than I am is if they had credited my "over-payment" to a debit card and told me to go forth and stimulate Obama's economy with all this extra money I seem to have or re-distribtue my wealth to those less financially fortunate than I seem to be!

I have asked for a payment coupon to be sent to me immediately and instructed Victor to add to my account notes that in the future, when I send in a payment, it is to be applied to my account the way I direct -- not the way someone in their corporate structure determines it should be applied. I will over-look the obvious error of their ways once, but I will take it to them if it happens again.

1 comment:

DaniGirl17 said...

OOOoooohhhhh...You go girl!!! CHASE is sneaky like that. Just ask the many customers who come into my work seeking cash assistance becuase they have been screwed one way or the other by CHASE. This is the biggest complaint I hear out of my customer's mouths. Daily.