Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sinatra Surgery: Doin' It MY Way!

This was a piece o'cake: arrived at 6 am and departed the surgery center by 9 am. The surgeon told Mags that it went well and I should be fine to return to work Monday. I won't know details until my appt next week for the post-op check-up, but obviously he didn't find anything he didn't expect to find.

What's weird is that the pain is gone ... absolutely and really gone. Not only can I take a gentle step (with the walker) and not feel the stabbing pain, but my knee cap is not flopping or locking and causing me even more pain. After so many months of constant pain, this is truly a blessing.

Mags is going to stay until about noon tomorrow and will return if I need her. She's off doing the errands of checking the post office box, picking up the pain pill refills, and buying a few groceries to take me through Sunday so I can stay in and baby the surgery site a bit before resuming my schedule. She is a wonderful friend for so many reasons, but add "primary care-giver" to the list.

PS: Daisy, being the good hostess to our guest, slept with Mags last night, while Mia snored with me. The wind howled all night, but the dogs were quiet, so we're good.

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