Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kaspersky: Please Don't Make My Decisions For Me!!

There was a message from Kaspersky in my hotmail account this morning: I am privileged to be provided with an opportunity to upload the 2011 version of the internet protection service I purchased several weeks ago. Yippee. Let's git 'er done. I wish I had thought that maybe, just maybe, I'm being used as the Beta tester for the upgrade and could wait a couple of months: I just went directly to "this is good."

The actual download went well, but now all of my "Favorites" won't pop up when I hit the icon in my favorites list. Instead,I get an "unapproved" message, but no explanation why my sites, such as the local on-line newspaper, my favorite blogs, and my worksite, are not on Kaspersky's "approved" list. Realize that the software corp didn't ask me what sites I use on a regular basis, so they don't know which ones I have approved. Reminds me of my recent experience with Chase Mortgage Services when the corp disapproved of my paying my house payment 3 months in advance and put a stop to that practice for me. There are some things in my life that are MY decision, so even if no one else in the whole wide world agrees with what I do, I get to do it!!

I'm not actually sure how to restore all my Favorites, but that's my next task. It's good that today I only teach one class (plus 2 office hours) and have the rest of the day to figure this out.

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