Thursday, December 23, 2010

AAAHHH: The Joys of Pain Meds

Yessiree: I'm home, surgery #1 in the past. My knee is just fine, but I'd never know if there is pain because I have not just serious "during the surgery" pain meds, but my own little bottle of pills. Believe it or not, my back hurts a whole lot worse than the surgery site, and if it hurts through the pain meds, it needs attention!!

My dotter will call the current surgeon today to find out what he encountered with the knee yesterday, including the untreated fractures and the untreated ACL injury. The best case scenario, the one for which I am rooting, is that both of those injuries totally healed on their own and I won't need any further intervention with the right knee.

Step 2 is the follow up to the trip to the ER to see what's really going on with my hip and back pelvic area/spinal column. It's a pretty good bet that there is another surgery in my near future because the on-call at the ER thought my surgery was to replace my hip. When I told him it was to fix my right knee, he smiled and assured me that hip surgery is in my soon future. Great.

That accomplished, we can move on to the other side effects of poor medical care.

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