Friday, December 17, 2010

Medical Update

I called my ortho team again today and talked to a person, who told me that the nurse with whom I was leaving a message is no longer with them, which explains why she did not return my 2 calls yesterday. Funny that she's still listed as the doc's contact and has an active voice mail.

The RN said he'd check into the situation with the ER x-rays, and when he called me back, he affirmed that they have the x-rays, as well as the ER doc's report. He said that we'll discuss the issues with the hip after the first of the year as it seems that a hip replacement is in my (very near) future. I asked again if I'm cleared for the knee surgery, and he confirmed that I am to show up at 11:30 AM Wed at the hospital for the surgery.

A couple of hours later, the receptionist called me to schedule an appointment this coming Tuesday for my hip surgery!! I asked her if she was sure she had called the correct patient as I'm scheduled for a knee surgery Wed -- and have not had an appointment with the doc re: hip surgery. She stammered a bit, apologized, and said she would call back to clarify after speaking with the office staff.

Yes, I'm having knee surgery Wed as of the close of business today. Who knows what will occur next M/T, but my plan is to have the knee fixed Wed, come hell or high water. What happens after that will happen.

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