Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wise Words Well-Heeded

In the wee hours of the morning, I tried falling asleep to the drone of talk TV, but found that didn't work any better than any of the other bore myself to sleep strategies that seldom work. However, my ears tuned in to a comment made by one of the talking heads:

Let's just let this play out. It will reveal itself over time. No one has to jump on this and do anything because it will all come out over time.

Can you hear me now?

What a tremendously powerful strategy for keeping one's nose out of personal business that does not need a public airing, as well as the endless stream of mindless air-speak that clogs up the media. All those meaningless words, speculation, possible scenarios, and potentially damaging issues that the talking heads create on an hourly basis can simply poof! be gone.

Let it be what it is, wait for it, and then discuss the issue in real time with real information and, potentially, find real solutions for real problems.

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