Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making it Black and White

Bad news: according to this morning's media report, the educational system continues not to serve racial minorities, who are disenfranchised (don't you just love a big word?), their lives ruined by the failure of the educational system to meet their unique, special, individualized perceived needs.

This morning, bemoaning again the failure of the educational system to serve minorities, a teen-aged minority student was interviewed on a high school campus. When asked what he sees as the biggest problem with education, he eloquently responded that "... they like don't give you nuddin' to do, like games and other stuff that ain't borin'. Alls they wanna do is teach! Man, I'm not down with all that stuff. School's too hard and it just ain't worth it."

Yeah, tell it like it is, kid. All wees wanna do is teach, teach, teach; alls you wanna do is ... anything but learn, learn, learn. Paraphrasing an old saw that still makes the rounds: those who will, do; those who will not do, drop out.

Boo-hoo. That pesky, antiquated educational system is stuck on stupid skills, such as reading (say what?), writing (i txt 40 wpm), speaking (I'm like totally down wid all dat!), and math (like, duh: the cash register makes the change for you!!). R U feelin' me? Get real: today's educational goals are to meet student needs, not to train students to meet society's needs!! Employers will just have to adjust their expectations if they want to hire the employees of the future.

The schools, simply stated, are not meeting the needs of today's diverse student population, so WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT??

You disappointed educational disenfranchees can stay home, watch videos, play video games, text until your thumbs drop off, hang out with your boyz, and really live your lives the way you want to live them. Forget what all those old fogies at the school say about needing to know the basics! You're 16 and you know wazzup!

Please: you're clogging the drain. Move out and make room for the students of all shapes, sizes, colors, economic standing, family background, difficult circumstances, and/or any other alleged failure to perform cop-out who value education and participate in the process. Let me spend me time, my talent, and my financial resources on the students who suit up, show up, and work for an education and a future.

1 comment:

John said...

Well said. We need to allow children to fail and learn from those failures early in life. None of this "no child left behind" crap-- if the child can't hack it, leave 'em behind! Let's teach to the best and let the rest fall where they may.

Fuck 'em.
