Thursday, February 3, 2011

Man Up!

The judge ruled on the Warm Sands sex scandal: yes, perhaps the police officers made inappropriate comments about being involved in the gay sex sting, but the comments were not directed at any one individual, so there is no discrimination, harassment, or do-over. As the police officers explained during the trial, it is not easy to pretend to be a gay man if you aren't, especially when it involves encouraging sexual activity with the gay man.

Additionally, the gay men are caught on tape engaging in sexual acts in public, so they did what they are accused of doing and will stand trial unless they accept the plea deal the DA has offered. That deal is very generous: none of the men have to register as sex offenders if they plead out. Don't accept the plea and deal with some stiff consequences, no pun intended.

For once, the judge understood the concept of obfuscating with verbiage: fill the air with enough hot-button discrimination words and the real crime disappears in the media feeding frenzy. Not this time!! Even the protest against the ruling was sparsely attended: the gay community did not show up this time because they probably all know that this time, you do the crime, you do the time -- even if you are gay.

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