Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wish I Hadn't Said That ...

Upon awakening this morning and facing the mirror for the first time, I was startled to see that my right eye is blood red. Yep, went to the Mayo medical site and it's nothing ... usually. Since I have no idea what caused it, I'm going to go with the "nothing" diagnosis unless/until I have reason to think otherwise.

Then I wandered out to pick up mail and buy groceries, early enough in the morning that fewer drivers are on the road/shoppers in the store, an environment that I prefer. Up and down the aisles I pushed my cart, picking up items here and there, and then moved into the closest check-out lane, where I was blinded by the neon greenish yellow shirts worn by the cashier and 2 helpers standing nearby. Not only did the color hurt my eyes, but it made the wearers of the t-shirts look convincingly sick!

When the totally gay cashier effusively greeted me, darlin', he asked how I was doin' this mornin', so I told him that I was fine until I came face-to-face with those hideous shirts. Gasp! Yes, often gay men actually gasp, and this one is a drama queen most of the time, so I set him off with my somewhat harsh fashion critique.

He took the time to explain to me that they are wearing the shirts NOT as a fashion statement, because God only knows there is NO fashion in a t-shirt, but because the color of the shirt matches the color of the price posters throughout the store that draw attention to the new, lower prices. He smiled smugly upon completion of his unnecessary explanation as if it would completely turn around my reaction to the shirts.

It didn't. I smiled in return and said, "Well, I'm glad YOU are wearing it and not me," the wrong reaction on so many levels.

He thanked me for sharing my opinion and assured me that "We value our customer's opinions," but as I was pushing my purchase toward the exit, he left his cash register and headed posthaste toward the floor manager, waving his hand at her to catch her attention.

You know what? It's a hideous color and it does not flatter anyone who wears it, but I understand the employees have no choice. After all, someone else decided that the employees should match the pricing posters, not this poor cashier. I could have kept my mouth shut, but it just tumbled out, and once you say it, there's no taking it back.

I drove home, put away the groceries, and stayed home the rest of the day, rather than risk offending anyone else with my public fashion critiques.

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