Monday, July 23, 2007

Running Amok!

Retirement is expensive; when one is at work, there are few, if any, opportunities to go shopping, so it costs less to work than it costs to be retired. However, I have found myself running amok the past couple of weeks, spending recklessly to indulge my addictive habits.

The K-Mart is at the corner, and, although it doesn't have top quality merchandise, it does have a nice selection of books. I am a reader. I buy books, but have put a spending limit of $25 on my purchases, which isn't that many books these days. Of course I could go to the library, but my small community has an equally small library, the sum of which would probably fit into my house. I also like to copy edit as I read, so if you ever pick up a used book and the printing errors are indicated, it may be a book that passed through my hands--or an equally anal individual.

It's a straight shot to the Wal-Mart, 7 miles one way, where I can indulge my other passion: W-M stocks yarn and craft supplies. I'm still not sure about my compulsion to make wash cloths, dollar purses, and little belt purses for cell phone, ready cash and gift cards, but that's what I'm enjoying, so that's what I'm doing. The little balls of cotton yarn are $1.27 each, so for $10, I can just keep myself out of mischief. I have a rule: don't buy another ball until all the little balls in the basket are used up somehow, so I've been using up all the little left-overs to make colorful whatever strikes my fancy. I'll find a place to donate the lot one of these days.

Now, the good news: I've found another place to spend my retirement income, this source on-line. The little balls of all cotton are called "Peaches and Creme," and they come from Elmore-Pisgah Incorporated, which has a website and a veritable rainbow of solids and mixed colors, both in little balls (4-pack purchase) and on cones (a good deal). I ordered 5 cones in exotic color mixtures, such as Mountain Shadow, Sea Breeze, and Country Garden, colors that W-M doesn't know exist. I will now limit myself to using up the cones before indulging in any more little balls!

I have a pattern for a tote bag using the cotton yarn, and I'm going to give that a whirl. It's pretty simple to make, basically a huge rectangle with a gusset, outside pockets and handles, and it'll probably use up the cones of yarn as it's a larger project. One can never have too many totes, unless one is retired and spends time making totes.

My mom used the term "idiot's delight" to describe certain activities, such as making wash cloths, little dollar purses, and crocheted totes, I suppose.

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