Monday, May 5, 2008

Made of Honor

Okay, so I'll admit that I joined the other dozen females who made the 10:45 am showing of Patrick Dempsey's newest movie--and I enjoyed it. It's not all comedy, and it is both funny and poignant (in places), but, perhaps more importantly, it stars McDreamy. He is a handsome man, but I do not like his constant 5 o'clock shadow: I just want him to shave already.

The witty repartee between the male characters is outstanding! The "guy thing" sells the movie, especially when they first see the physical attributes of the future groom revealed in a shower scene. They know he has a lot to offer to the bride, including a noble title, castles in Scotland, and the ability to dunk a basketball, but in that scene the guys ALL realize just how much ... more ... is in the bride's future.

The story is about friendship masquerading as nothing more, and when the female lead asks the question, "Why now," it's almost a cliche. In all the romantic comedies love comes after the girl/guy has found someone to take the place of the woman/man who won't commit. It's been done until it's overdone, but it still works in this film because I guess we all like to believe in happily ever after. And it does star McDreamy, who simply has to show up and do the same role time after time, in movie after movie, and cash his big paycheck.

It's a chick flick, there's no getting around it, and it's probably a chick flick that would become funnier with each glass of wine, but that's kinda why I go to the movies. I no longer think there's a McDreamy in my future, but sometimes, it's okay to go to a movie and pretend that he could be just around the corner. $6.50 for the early ticket and $5 for the snack pack? A small price to pay for suspending reality for just a little while.

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