Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sinestra Ouchie

Somehow, I’ve injured my left wrist to the point that I literally cannot turn the page in a book! I know I pulled it when I was moving rocks several weeks ago, but it seemed to heal itself as I used a brace, soaked in hot water, and used heated moist wraps when it was really sore.

I think I reinjured it when I slammed my left shoulder into the top corner edge of the car door Sunday evening, after I returned from the Vegas trip. Pain ripped up and down my arm and hasn’t stopped. No matter which way I hold my wrist, or turn my wrist, or avoid using my left hand/arm, there is lots of hurtin’ pain. It’s been going into spasms which hurt like a mother! I have a bruise at the point of impact on my shoulder, which is tender and sore, but that isn’t the problem.

The problem is right at the wrist, where there’s a swollen blob at the base of my thumb and another swollen blob at my wrist. On the right wrist, those blobs are a raised vein—a one-piece, raised vein. On the left wrist, they are 2 disconnected swollen blobs. I remember watching Christian, the hot Latino dancer on Dancing with the Stars, show where his muscle ripped – and that is what my wrist looks like (sort of): two separate pieces where there used to be one.

Anyhoo, I’m going to the doctor Friday at 2 pm to see if he can figure this out. I’m sure it’ll be a round of x-rays, pain pills, and some sort of treatment protocol, but right now?

Just give me the drugs and take away the pain!

1 comment:

John said...

Go to the doctor and then let us all know how it turns out. This doesn't sound good at all.

You do take Calcium supplements, right?