Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Had the Republican President's bail-out bill passed, as it was predicted to do, the bounce would have gone to McCain, the Republican nominee. Speaker of the House Pelosi, a Democrat, is never going to allow that to happen, especially 5 weeks prior to elections, so before calling for the vote she delivered a stirring speech strong-arming House members to vote against the bail-out or lose their home-town elections in November.

The same tactic was employed recently to defeat the long-awaited bi-partisan energy bill, and if you can fool me once, why not twice?

The strategy worked; the bill is defeated; Wall Street is selling off at a pace that could crash the market. Desperate measures create desperate times, a calculated strategy that is as risky as the tactics used by the financial institutions to create the situation in the first place.

Hopefully, into the breach will ride a Demo bill that can be gloriously touted as saving the economy. Thus, Obama gets the bounce and home-town crowds vote Demo all the way to the White House. My only hope is that it's done quickly as I really don't give a damn about which candidate gets the bounce, just whether I continue to receive my retirement check and don't lose every dime of the money in my TSA that I've saved during the past 30 years!

God, I hate politics when the politicians put their political agenda before the good of the people!

1 comment:

John said...

Actually, Pelosi's speech was all about how the Repubs SHOULD vote for it, how it was needed, how her leadership along with the President's in this matter were going to save the day. And the Repubs basically said, "Thank you, no."

Of course, nearly every economist and the vast majority of business leaders agree that the bill, had it passed, would have likely ensured the collapse of the American economic system. So, in the end, Pelosi did the American people a very great service; she convinced people who wanted to vote for the bill not to, and saved us from some of the worst legislature we have seen in decades.