Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Doin' the Limbo Rock

How low can you go? Are you sitting down? Holding onto the sides of the chair?

Well, it seems that Sarah Palin's husband was arrested for DUI! That it was 22 years ago is buried way down in the story, so the "headline news" seems totally shocking and worthy of what? Pulling the plug?

That is the goal of the media: to be the one who digs up the dirt that buries a candidate. Imagine being "the one" who torn John Edwards' life out from under him! What a coup. Now, that was noteworthy, especially if Edwards is the father of the child, but hardly rates on the same scale as an unknown's husband being arrested for drunk driving 22 years ago!

Talk about apples and oranges.

So far, it seems that Sarah Palin is an outspoken woman who stands up for what she believes. While she is an unproven, unknown quantity tossed into the international political scene, that could be a future plus, rather than an assumed negative. However, with the mound of dirt uncovered in less than a week, the purpose of which is to see if she has the chops to tell the media to go to hell and stay the course, it can be made to look dirty enough to bury the campaign. She'll be counseled to bow out gracefully, which is, perhaps, the purpose in announcing her selection in the first place: the sacrificial campaign lamb.

If you cannot obfuscate with verbiage, sometimes you have to throw a red herring to take the dogs off the trail.

Sorry, Sarah, that you and your family are caught in the crosshairs, but that's the price of politics.

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