Thursday, March 5, 2009


It isn't working for the Dems/President to attack the Republicans, especially Rush Limbaugh, who simply ignores the rules of polite politics while dragging his own drummer along for the ride, so society needs something else to divert the focus from the economic stimulus that isn't and the debate about whether approximately 8000 "personal pet projects" in the bill are -- or are not -- earmarks. The Dems say "we make the spending decisions," while the Repubs flail about and try to get anyone to look past the public persona of the first African-American President of the United States of America and DO SOMETHING to stop this runaway spending train.

What better way to create a diversion than to recreate the war between the sexes with the vicious debate about whether Jason was just being a guy (he's just not that into her) or the girls are making way too much out of this whole breaking up in public thing.

I'm going to weigh in on the side of the guys: I do not want a man who does not want me. That's a deal-breaker for me, and I'd rather know that before I start making the happily-ever-after plans. I don't care why he doesn't want a relationship with me; the fact that he doesn't is enough information.

Okay, so I know that attitude doesn't play to the media, which likes to stir the pot until it boils dry, but I'd also take out the 8000 pieces of pork from the stimulus package so the people know that we are taking this situation seriously and really looking at OTHER ways to get the economy moving again. We've thrown enough money at the problem to know that isn't working, so let's think outside the box and dare to be different. Heck, let's send every American citizen/taxpayer a check for $5000 and let 'em spend it however they want: it makes about as much sense as what's being enacted.

As for Jason and Molly, enjoy it while you can because once the drama fades into the future, you're going to be stuck with each other. Jason's wandering eye may light on another beautiful flower, and he'll have to try her nectar too, but I'm sure he'll be quite contrite as he explains to Molly that he has feelings for another woman, he's a total shit for hurting her, and she really deserves better. I'm not sure he can pull off a TV event for breaking her heart, but she'll get the message.

Yeah, she thinks that this is what she wants, so let her have him. Live and learn.

1 comment:

John said...

Good article. You should, however, mention that a large amount of the "pork" was actually added by the Republicans in order to get it even to a debate. the Dems were just stupid for not recognizing that the Repubs would then use that pork to trash the package.

Honestly, I don't know how anyone stays loyal to either group. Neither represents the will of the majority of people anymore. Until people wake up, stop listening to biased news (or listen to both sides, so they can figure out something in the middle is most likely the truth), and make their governments fear THEM again, America gets the politics it deserves.