Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't Wanna .. Wah, wah, wah

Ever have one of those days when you just don't wanna? It doesn't matter what, you don't wanna to do, go, talk, whatever.

That's my today. Part of it is the wind, which has been blowing forever. The way the house sits, it's between two fairly large mountains that form a funnel coming from the west and there's nothing to stop the wind all the way to Texas. Once the on-shore/off- shore whatever way the prevailing wind is blowing starts, it just will not stop!

Give me some rain and I'm happy; I put up with the sun, but have to avoid the summer desert sun as it burns me within a few minutes. I'm not really thrilled with clouds unless it's wintery out as clouds + humidity = yuck. But keep the damned wind away from me!


I just paid a lot of money to have both windshields replaced, which should be an annual event for desert-dwellers but, because my deductible is $500, that's exactly what it costs out-of-pocket to replace the glass, which I can only afford every other year. Already both windshields are pitted from blowing sand, the truck worse than the car because that's what I drive to work three times a week.

And forget cleaning when it's windy: I can't clean often enough to keep the dirt outside, especially with Mia going in and out. Grady's spending two days a week with us, and he brings in his fair share of the desert, too. If I close off the doggy door, I simply have to get up and down several times an hour because if it's open, they stay inside, but if I close it -- they want to go outside again, and again, and again.

Yeah, I have a class tonight, but I'm just not that into it today. The students are working on development of position papers in pairs, one on each side of an issue, which they will then use to write the solution paper, so they are busier than I am right now. Tonight, we'll take a look at the drafts and see if they have the gist of the assignment before writing the final drafts. I've already heard via email that several of them changed their issues, which is not an option I presented.

Usually, it's all about them; today, I'd like it to be all about me.

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