Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Luv U Back???

After spending a wonderful day with my coastal friend, I geared up for the drive home, knowing that I would be sharing lane space with about a million cars leaving San Diego for parts north, west and east. I listen to 1070 AM radio, not just for the traffic reports, but for the totally useless information, commentary, and observations about what's going on while I'm stuck in traffic.

Today, the motherload: The Big O in the OC for a town hall meeting. In no particular order, here are my thoughts.

1. As one commentator remarked, "Obama exercised his personality," which he does well. However, behind the smiling, personable, well-rehearsed facade is my concern that he's actually a political performer who's been hired to do the public appearances. I'm almost positive that he has the script on his BlackBerry, as well as coded responses to any question he's asked. If they ask about AIG executive bonuses, use response AIG 3-B. Bail out? Response BO 7-C.

2. No, uh, you didn't, uh, screw up by, uh, not inviting the Republican congressman in whose district you were appearing to uh, join you during this, uh, political jaunt. Your guys made the decision not to include him in the political event because he's one of your more vocal critics -- and you're on a PR tour. Your effusive welcome to the Hispanic female congressional representative gave you away, but the uh, reason, uh, that I know you were, uh, covering up for a bad decision is, uh, that your word tic appeared, a sure sign of, uh, lying.

3. My President does NOT tell any audience that "we screwed up" as it's simply not Presidential language.

4. I get calling the audience members "girls" and "boys," but what I don't get is the "luv u back" response to a shout-out from the audience!

5. What may get him into trouble with the minorities who elected him is his stance on illegal aliens: Big O flat-out said that because you came into the country illegally, don't expect instant acceptance or amnesty. He also said there's a need to close the open door policy at our borders, but especially with Mexico, perhaps not the wisest commentary for a largely minority population to hear on their home turf. He outlined the same reform program that has already failed to make it through the system during the last administration: pay a (hefty) fine, fill in the (extensive) paperwork, get at the back of the (incredibly long) line, and wait your turn. Once everyone who used legal means to enter the country are processed, we'll deal with your application. That part of the presentation was questioned by callers who contacted the radio station. Big O was talking to a mostly minority audience, so he may have singed the re-election bridge, but he has 3+ years and an infrastructure re-building stimulus package to help him smoothe out the ruffled feathers, especially if the majority of the new hires are minorities.

I am impressed with Pres. O's command of the material he presents, as well as his repetition of the rhetoric that got him elected. I'm personally not impressed with the fall-back position of blaming the predecessor, instead of accepting what's in the past and focusing on the present so we can move into a better future, but it's fairly typical when a politician is taking heat in the media to blame, blame, blame. He is charismatic, he is accessible, he is selling politics and economic theory to a country that was pretty much politically deaf, dumb and stupid a short year ago, which is no little accomplishment.

As one female caller explained to the radio audience, "He knows what we need to hear," and he sells it in a "down home come to Jesus meeting" style that audiences seem to enjoy.


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