Sunday, March 22, 2009

You've Got Some 'plaining To Do, People

Why is it okay for the infamous Obama Girl to create and use widely the knickname "Obamalicious," but a guy who blogs in the local newspaper is hammered for his knickname, "Bamalosi." I'd be offended by the "Obamalicious" knickname because it's sexist and demeaning, no better/worse than the local guy's offering, so explain the rampant (and sometimes vitriolic) attacks on the local guy.

We need to get over ourselves in the land of the free and the home of those brave enough to question, challenge, and uphold the freedom of speech. It's when we DON'T ask the questions that we have problems; it's when we DON'T feel free to challenge what's being done that we have problems; it's when we yield to the pressure to go along to get along that we lose the land of the free.

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