Friday, April 24, 2009

2 Qwikees

1. Ellen's new hair-do is ... awful. It's a terrible cut that is ugly and unflattering for Ellen's features. It looks hacked at with a manicure scissors. Whoever cut it must have realized partway through the cut how really bad it looked and stopped before Ellen was totally bald, but I'm thinking that maybe a buzz cut would be an improvement. People always excuse a bad haircut by saying, "It'll grow back," but in the meanwhile -- I'd be calling in sick or trying hair extensions or buying a wig or ... .

2. At b'fast this morning, I commented that I heard a report on the news that the new singing sensation on the British verson of AI has had a complete make-over. Responds one of gals, drolly, "It's just a dress! She just changed her dress!" I about fell off my chair laughing.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

John said...

The new singing sensation from Britain's Got Talent did get a "makeover" -- a new dress and a new haircut.

M and I finally heard the song that wowed everyone and has everyone talking-- yes, she has an impressive voice but, overall, we weren't sure what the hype was about except that she is an "ugly" woman so, therefore, the audience didn't think she had talent.

I think the clip of her being mocked before she started singing has a lot to say about society and our prejudices against those not classically attractive.

See a clip here: