Thursday, April 9, 2009

What a Soc!

At the mini-reunion, the comment was made that we were absent the high school soc's, the ones who had the social standing that made them stand out on campus. Today, I feel that I'm one of the soc's, whirling from hither to yon and enjoying every moment. Places to go, things to do, people to entertain.

This morning, a friend called to see if I was free for b'fast up the hill. She had a medical appointment in YV, so I drove that far to join her. We sat and talked, laughed, and got serious for about an hour and a half, long enough that I felt I needed to pay rent, rather than leave a measely tip.

Then a call came in from another friend who was coming down the hill with her friend and going to stop by on their way home, so I baked fresh cookies and ran the vacuum. Two dogs make a lot more hair mess than just one, but I usually wait until after Grady has been here Friday before running the vac. No can do when company's coming, and I threw in a quick wet mop of the tile floors, too (just in case there was dog drool or some other disgusting thing).

As they were getting ready to leave, my friend drove up because we were going out for Mexican food in PS at a really popular restaurant and wanted to beat the crowd already downtown for the weekly Street Fair. We met a third friend there and spent a good two hours socializing and talking about guys and future trips we want to take. All of a sudden it was after 7 pm and the line waiting to get in wound down the block, so we packed our left-overs and headed home.

Tomorrow, it's the weekly b'fast with the girls and then off to an early movie and a late lunch with my sister of my heart from up the hill.

Spring has sprung and it's time to be out and about, enjoying the weather, as well as the friendships that enrich my life. Nothing on tap for tomorrow evening, but it's early yet!

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