Sunday, April 19, 2009


Based on information from all the law enforcement shows I watch and the mystery novels I read, there is no coincidence, just cause and effect. According to an article in today's newspaper, while an over-the-side vehicle with a suspicious traffic fatality was being hauled up a steep hillside, a hiker arrived on the scene and reported that he had been bitten by a large rattlesnake. The EMS on-scene for the traffic accident arranged heliocopter transport to Loma Linda University Hospital, renowned for its aggressive -- and often successful -- treatment of rattlesnake bites. The article ended with a reminder that this is snake season, so be careful while walking in the desert.

Therefore, if there is no coincidence, the suspicious death of a victim in a car that went over the side of the steep hill caused the rattlesnake bite on a nearby hiker that resulted in the warning to all hikers to beware of rattlesnakes.

Got it.


Miss Fliss said...

I just read this to my husband and this was his response...
"she made the wrong connection for the coincidence... it's not that the car accident caused the snake bite, but the driver that died saved the hikers life, because if the EMS guy wasn't there, the hiker would have died"

..... and I thought he was just a pretty face = )

Liza said...

Yeah, but he doesn't have my sense of humor: he's too left-brained. I enjoyed making the least plausible connection; your man, however, went with the logic.

You need to loosen him up a bit, Miss Fliss.

Miss Fliss said...

hahahahah nice.

John said...

My thought was that the hitchhiker KILLED the auto-accident victim in some nefarious plot using the snake, which then turned on him.

I'm sure Mary Magdelane's children, the Freemasons, and Nazi's are somehow involved, as well. Just can't quite figure out how yet.