Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Workin' on My Laundry Hut

As I was driving up the hill today, I tuned in the C&W station because it comes in more clearly than other stations. Often, I sing along as I like most C&W and learn the lyrics by repetition. Today, however, I was stumped with a song because I couldn't figure out the reason behind the lyrics. A male vocalist crooned about how hard he's been working on his laundry hut, especially since his woman left him, and even though it's taken him more time than he thought it would, he knows that he'll mend it in the end.

Great, huh?

Suddenly, a bolt of lightening struck the Camry and I was back in Texas, recalling my confusion over what the heck a "nanothree" was and my abject embarrassment to realize it was my new area code! I finally caught on to "kin I hepya," but I'll be the first one to admit that took me many trips through the drive-in to translate that long-drawled-out Texas greeting.

I'm not sure what finally fired my synapses to the real point of today's haunting ballad, but I felt like an idiot when I realized he was "workin' on my lonely heart."

I laughed until I had to pee! I may be losing my sense of hearing, but thank God I still have my sense of humor.

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