Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's Only Hair!

When the bad hair is on top of your head, it does not help to remind yourself that "it's only hair!" I know it's only hair, but I hate it. I cannot find one redeeming quality about this haircut that I like and cannot wait for it to grow back.

It's a bob, which I don't like on me; it's far too short, which I absolutely hate and made really, really clear to the hair stylist; it's cut crooked, which looks lopsided every time I have to fix it; it hangs over my ears, which I specifically said do not do; and no matter what I do differently, it always turns out to be ... a helmet!!

Seriously, I've thought about a wig, but it's 115 friggin' degrees out here, no weather for a wig. It'll grow; it'll grow; it'll grow.


John said...

I was trying to think of a time when I remember you being happy with a haircut, and I can't.

I don't know on which side the failure to communicate exists, but I have been with you when you've shown people pictures, heard you state what you did NOT want, and yet we left with everything being just how you didn't want it. It's like they key on the NOTS and that is all they can remember, so that's what they do.

My suggestion for next time: bring one of those oversized post its with NO BANGS and whatever else on it and stick it in the middle of the mirror as you begin. That way, every time the person looks at you in the mirror, they will see those comments and have to adjust.

*patio -- hmm. Good word. Seems outdoorsy. Yet comfortable and homey. Could be a word to express something around a home that is comfortable yet outdoors, maybe? ;-)

It is strange.

Liza said...

That is a great idea! I thought that actually picking out photos to show what I wanted, as well as turning the ones he suggested face down, would to the trick, but alas ... another really bad haircut.

What makes this worse is that I grow my hair out for 3-4 months to get it long enough that it could become a hairstyle I'll like, but they ALWAYS CUT IT OFF!! I don't care if everyone else in the entire world thinks I look best with really short hair because I HATE IT!!