Thursday, July 22, 2010

Polka Dots and Poop

Ah, yes, I do remember what it's like with a teeny baby puppy in the house: lots of pee and poop deposited throughout the house, but Ranger is also running outside on his own to do his business more than half the time, so that's good. I'd rather hose off the patio than spot clean the carpet any day. He also loves playing with the two girls, but they aren't totally happy with his exhuberance.

Ranger found a tennis ball under something and has been able to sink his teeth into it and carry it around the house. He took it to Daisy, but she preferred the foot-long stuffed weiner dog, and they played a bit of pull toy with it. By far, however, Ranger's favorite toy is Mia, who is trying to be a good sport, but really likes Ranger best when he's napping.

Gotta say he's so darned cute that I'm getting attached to him. He runs to me when I call his name (you'll get it if you've read the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich) and loves to snuggle against me when I sit on the couch to watch the evening news.

He did really well last night in the portable carrier I use in the back of the RAV, sleeping soundly until 3 am, when he needed to go outside. Once he did his business, he came back in, crawled into the carrier, and slept until the dogs woke the house for their morning walk.


John said...

Did you find him with that collar?

Liza said...

Nope: I got the collar so I could put a bell on him and know where he is! As tiny as Ranger is, he can romp with the big dogs and cover one end of the house to the other faster than I can. He's also so small that I worried about stepping on him, so when I hear his bell, I know he's near and can look down.

He is a cutie, but no one responded to my "Found" flyers I put up adjacent to the empty field.

John said...

I doubt Mia was growling at the dog. My guess is that a bird or predator took the dog and was going to do something bad, when you and Mia arrived and Mia scared it away, leaving the hapless victim behind.

Monique said...

Too cute! =)