Thursday, July 8, 2010

What? You Were Serious??

I've often attacked the pervasive attitude of so many of our younger generation, the ones who do whatever they want, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes, and then, when their decisions and conduct create chaos, expect that a "Sorry" will suffice. Sorry doesn't work for me, especially with the total lack of sincerity with which it is offered. Do NOT do the deed in the first place: as my father used to say, think before you act. Believe that there are consequences and prepare to pay them if/when you plow ahead with your egregious behavior.

Lindsey Lohan and all the other H'wood young people who believe that not only are the owed a night on the town, but that it comes with free booze, drugs, and sex partners, need to grow up and realize they are living in a fantasy world of their own creation and it's crashing down on their heads. Drugs, booze, and promiscuous sex become addictive when they are not just part of H'wood's lifestyle, but the reason for it.

The disgusting behevior of a drunk is not fun: it's disgusting. The out of control conduct of a drug addict is not cool; it's dangerous and deadly. The cycle of sex partners is not hot; it's a desperate plea for someone, anyone, to accept me and love me for whom I am inside. However, if the person engaged in these behaviors has no idea who s/he is inside, the only place the individual seems to go looking for him/herself is outside. These individuals seem to be okay with counting on the clubs, the drug dealers, the multiple sex partners to define who they are and encourage the media to publicize that image and lifestyle. For some reason, these H'wood partiers have decided that media coverage determines who's on top of the heap, rather than realizing that living one's own life, privately, but doing a good job professionally, actually leads to a much longer career in any field.

Thirty is the new twenty is the watchword for many of this generation, who actually believe that when they are in their thirties, they are still young, irresponsible kids who can "cute" their way out of anything. They do not realize that the majority of their peers have jobs, spouses and children, are integral members of extended families who support each other in the bad times and celebrate the good times with them. People in their thirties are not kids: they are grown-ups who are expected to act within the law, work hard, pay their taxes, and support their communities. Clubbing is not a lifestyle; it's a recreational activity reserved for once-in-a-while special occasions because few of them have the financial resources to throw at a bartender, a drug dealer, or a sexual partner.

Ms. Lohan actually told the judge that if she had known it mattered, she would have adjusted her schedule to complete her alcohol rehab. Silly me: I thought she figured that out when they put the ankle monitor on her ... twice! She may flaunt her lifestyle to her peer group, but no one gets to flaut the laws no matter how professional the tearful performance is delivered in the courtroom.

Lock her up for the full 90 days and let the court determine where the rehab program will be housed. Lindsey, and all those who share her lifestyle and disregard for the laws of the land, need to be sent the message that yes, it does matter. Really.

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