Thursday, December 10, 2009

Credible Sources?

Okay, so Tiger has a sexual addiction and can't keep his private tomcat in his pants, but it seems that "everyone" knew that but the public. Within hours of the now infamous accident, a dirty dozen of "I slept with Tiger" accusers came out of the clubs, each one with fake boobs and 8x10 glossies of provocative bikini poses already in the media kit. What better boost to a porn star's career than sharing her talents with the media at Tiger's expense? An out-of-work actress? An ex-hostess for an exclusive club? A woman working hard to make it in this tough economy, but over-the-hill in the both the age and the looks department?

These women have created their own employment agency, one with limited job skills but tons of experience, it seems.

There is making bad choices, and then there is making bad choices. The girls were paid: is there no customer loyalty? These women aren't forming a parade of "Bad Tiger" girls: they are skanks and ho's who are hired to do what they did with Tiger, and God only knows how many other celebs, and paid well both by their employers and by their "clients." Can you say "yucky"? The grossest part of the whole outing? Letterman making a joke at Tiger's expense. The old saying is, "There but for the Grace of God goeth I." Oh, that's right: he's already been there, hasn't he? Talk about the pot calling out the black kettle!!

For Tiger, it is all about the sex, based on the astounding rumors of his sexual prowess, but for the women, it's all about the 15 minutes of dubious fame and fortune. Before any more women out themselves, they may want to consider how well that worked for Monica Lewinsky.

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