Monday, August 20, 2007

Rock My Yard

The rock arrived amidst a lot of Spanish chatter from the 5 men who brought it to the front yard. They laughed at the funny lady who wants a big rock in her yard ... but when they finished cleaning the yard, I gave each of them a personal thank you: "Muchas gracias por la piedras." They smiled at my limited Spanish, but thanked me in return for the $10 I gave each of them for moving what turned out to be about twice the size I thought it was in the desert setting. It's going to be partially buried, so it'll be just what I want: natural bench seating so I can enjoy the yard.

The watering system has been taken out for the brick wall phase of the project and a faucet has been added to the side yard so I can water the oleander and bring it back to life. It's one of the hardiest desert plants, able to sustain itself with no water, but it looks a whole lot better, greener and fuller, when it is watered about once a week. I'm just going to use a soaker hose, rather than continue on with miles of pvc pipe and sprinkler heads.

The painting begins tomorrow with the power wash and plaster patch, and Ray says he'll be done by Thursday, just in time for the brick wall to get footed on Friday! I'm meeting Rick in JT today to pay for materials, which will be delivered Thursday. It's going to be crowded in my front yard with all the workers and materials coming and going for the various projects.

The landscaping will take place after the paint dries and the wall is finished. Meinardo says he'll do both sides at once as he thinks he can do the whole project in 2 days as it's pretty simple, actually.

At this point, whatever it takes is going to be okay with me because once it's finished, I'm finished.

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